Chapter 25

Florence and Daniel Cathiard, Rick and Jill Stein and Gavin and Angela Quinney

It is very rare that you get the chance to meet three highly successful couples who have built formidable businesses together from relative obscurity.

They all appeared to be joined by a common purpose and the desire to do something that they were passionate about. I would say “living the dream” but the reality is very different.

Three very different couples went on to build empires and reputations outside of the traditional corporate environment. Subconsciously, these conversations started to fuel my desire to keep wanting to learn from “Brilliant Minds” like them. They are certainly creating a legacy that will be enduring.

By Harvey Thorneycroft

Chapter 25: Florence and Daniel Cathiard, Rick and Jill Stein and Gavin and Angela Quinney

It is very rare that you get the chance to meet three highly successful couples who have built formidable businesses together from relative obscurity.

They all appeared to be joined by a common purpose and the desire to do something that they were passionate about. I would say “living the dream” but the reality is very different. Yet they, like Karan Bilimoria, took risks, failed and failed in pursuit of their purpose and ultimately have created something they should be extremely proud of which in two of the cases are world class brands.

I had the opportunity to chat to all of these “Brilliant Minds” over the course of one weekend at an event called Taste of Bordeaux. It was born out of the “best of the best Rick Stein events” that we ran for Alan Curtis the MD of Prologis in the early 2000s. Prologis were one of my main clients and had allowed me to run a series of events over the years, whose focal point was Padstow and Rick Stein. However, rather than fly to Padstow, we chartered a plane to Bordeaux with Rick Stein. We were bound for a hotel that had been recommended indirectly by Rick Stein, through his great friend Gavin Quinney. Now bear with me as it may take a while to get to the part about the hotel!

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Chapter 25

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